Episode 14: The Best Games of 2007
From Uncharted: Drake’s Fortune to Crackdown.
From Uncharted: Drake’s Fortune to Crackdown.
Definitely not just an excuse to hear some more of Matthew’s great Nintendo thoughts and anecdotes.
Is it better than Galaxy? Definitely not. Odyssey? Nope. But it is still pretty great.
Our two top 30 games of the generation lists conclude this week.
Two top 30 lists of the best games on PS4, Xbox One and Wii U from the past 7 or 8 years.
We’ve both played a lot of Hitman 3.
Matthew and Samuel discuss the art of making covers for games magazines.
It’s all based on very few facts.
Wow, 2020 was the worst!
Matthew discusses his 70 hours playing the glitchy but nonetheless fascinating game.