Play Episode

Two next-generation consoles just launched: the PS5 and the Xbox Series X, both of which have sold out worldwide. We’ve played games on each, and this week we talk about their launch line-up, as well as the history of each company’s consoles. Plus: which console had the best launch line-up of games ever? The answer may or may not surprise you. This week’s music comes from the Assassin’s Creed Valhalla soundtrack by Einar Selvik.


  • Wii House
  • Edge magazine have cardboard over their windows
  • First mention of Rennies


  • 00:00:37 - Matthew’s “pile of jumpers” Sound Studio
  • 00:09:09 - “Oh, sounds terribly corrupt now, doesn’t it?” Matthew doesn’t need to buy an xbox series x
  • 00:43:10 - Wii House
  • 00:50:12 - Edge with cardboard over the windows
  • 00:51:09 - “yogurvision”
  • 01:31:00 - Matthew wants that Rennie sponsorship