Play Episode

The draft is back! Matthew and Samuel compete to pick the 10 best Capcom games from the developer/publisher’s extensive and dazzling library. If you like fighting games, apologies in advance. You can vote for the winner in the pinned tweet @backpagepod on Twitter. We’ll post the full list on Twitter after a few days have passed.

This week’s music is from the Devil May Cry 5 soundtrack by Casey Edwards, Ali Edwards and Cliff Lloret, and the Onimusha 2: Samurai’s Destiny soundtrack by Taro Iwashiro.

Driving Mr Pesto
Image credit: Naeslyn

The Categories

  • Fighting game
  • Survival horror
  • Remake
  • Retro game
  • Dead franchise
  • Shu Takumi
  • Ill-advised western spin-off
  • Modern classic
  • Wild card
  • Free pick


  • No compilations
  • Dead franchise means a game from a series with no new entries in 10 years
  • Retro game has to be 20+ years old
  • Modern classic has to be in the last 10 years
  • Shu Takumi is any game with his name in the credits

Draft Order

Player Category Pick
Samuel Free pick Resident Evil 4
Matthew Western spin-off DmC: Devil May Cry
Matthew Dead franchise Okami
Samuel Shu Takumi Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney
Samuel Remake Resident Evil 2 (2019)
Matthew Remake Resident Evil (2002)
Matthew Survival horror Resident Evil 7
Samuel Modern classic Devil May Cry 5
Samuel Fighting game Street Fighter III: 3rd Strike
Matthew Modern classic Monster Hunter World
Matthew Shu Takumi Ghost Trick: Phantom Detective
Samuel Wild card God Hand
Samuel Retro game Dino Crisis
Matthew Fighting game Ultra Street Fighter IV
Matthew Free pick Viewtiful Joe
Samuel Dead franchise Onimusha 2: Samurai’s Destiny
Samuel Survival horror Resident Evil (1996)
Matthew Retro game Dungeons & Dragons: Shadow Over Mystara
Matthew Wild card Glass Rose
Samuel Western spin-off Bionic Commando


Category Samuel Matthew
Fighting game Street Fighter III: 3rd Strike Ultra Street Fighter IV
Survival horror Resident Evil (1996) Resident Evil 7
Remake Resident Evil 2 (2019) Resident Evil (2002)
Retro game Dino Crisis Dungeons & Dragons: Shadow Over Mystara
Dead franchise Onimusha 2: Samurai’s Destiny Okami
Shu Takumi Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney Ghost Trick: Phantom Detective
Western spin-off Bionic Commando DmC: Devil May Cry
Modern classic Devil May Cry 5 Monster Hunter World
Wild card God Hand Glass Rose
Free pick Resident Evil 4 Viewtiful Joe


Samuel 52%

Matthew 48%

(250 votes)