Play Episode

Samuel and Matthew revisit the classic Square Enix/Squaresoft RPG series this week. Well, the bits they know about, anyway. Plus, hear what Matthew thinks of Final Fantasy XVI, which just launched on PS5.

This week’s music is from the Final Fantasy XV soundtrack by Yoko Shimomura, the Final Fantasy XVI soundtrack by Masayoshi Soken, the Final Fantasy XIII soundtrack by Masashi Hamauzu and the Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: The Crystal Bearers soundtrack by Hidenori Iwasaki, Ryo Yamazaki and Kumi Tanioka.

Within 12 hours, the Discord had created a Bugenhagen emoji

Matthew’s favourite

  • Final Fantasy VII ?
  • Final Fantasy XII ✔️

Samuel’s Caveats: How well does he know the games?

  1. Moderately Well
  2. Moderately Well
  3. Very Well
  4. Very Well
  5. Not At All
  6. Really Well
  7. Everything
  8. Everything
  9. The First Third
  10. Loves
  11. Don’t Know
  12. Very Well
  13. Very Well
  14. Don’t Know
  15. Very Well

Samuel’s Rankings

  1. Final Fantasy VI
  2. Final Fantasy XII
  3. Final Fantasy VIII
  4. Final Fantasy VII
  5. Final Fantasy X