Play Episode

Samuel and Matthew compete to pick the best selection of 10 licensed games, and discuss the wildly inconsistent history of games based on movies, TV shows, books and more. Vote for the winner in our pinned tweet @BackPagePod, and we’ll discuss the results in a future episode.

This week’s music is from the Blade Runner game soundtrack by Vangelis and Frank Klepacki.

Queen The Eye


  1. Movie tie-in
  2. TV show tie-in
  3. 90+ on Metacritic
  4. Guilty pleasure
  5. Side-scroller/2D game
  6. ’90s favourite
  7. Bad licence, good game
  8. Cursed
  9. The ‘Coronation Street: The Mystery of the Missing Hotpot Recipe wild card category (either the licence is weird or they adapted it in a weird genre)
  10. Free pick

Draft Order

Player Category Pick
Samuel Movie tie-in GoldenEye 007
Matthew Bad licence, good game The Chronicles of Riddick: Assault on Dark Athena
Matthew ’90s favourite Blade Runner (1997)
Samuel TV show tie-in The Simpsons: Hit & Run
Matthew 90+ on Metacritic Batman: Arkham City
Samuel Free pick Alien: Isolation
Matthew Movie tie-in The Warriors
Samuel 90+ on Metacritic Marvel’s Spider-Man 2
Matthew Guilty pleasure X-Men Origins: Wolverine
Samuel Side-scroller/2D game Astro Boy: Omega Factor
Matthew Side-scroller/2D game Disney’s Aladdin (Mega Drive)
Samuel ’90s favourite Star Wars: TIE Fighter
Matthew Free pick The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt
Samuel Weird licence / genre Parasite Eve
Matthew TV show tie-in Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Shredder’s Revenge
Samuel Guilty pleasure The Matrix: Path of Neo
Matthew Weird licence / genre Pinball FX3: Star Wars: Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back
Samuel Bad licence, good game The Darkness II
Matthew Cursed Fight Club
Samuel Cursed The Simpsons Wrestling


Category Samuel Matthew
Movie tie-in GoldenEye 007 The Warriors
TV show tie-in The Simpsons: Hit & Run Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Shredder’s Revenge
90+ on Metacritic Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 Batman: Arkham City
Guilty pleasure The Matrix: Path of Neo X-Men Origins: Wolverine
Side-scroller/2D game Astro Boy: Omega Factor Disney’s Aladdin (Mega Drive)
’90s favourite Star Wars: TIE Fighter Blade Runner (1997)
Bad licence, good game The Darkness II The Chronicles of Riddick: Escape from Butcher Bay / The Chronicles of Riddick: Assault on Dark Athena
Cursed The Simpsons Wrestling Fight Club
Weird licence / genre Parasite Eve Pinball FX3: Star Wars: Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back
Free pick Alien: Isolation The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt


Samuel 41%

Matthew 59%

(167 votes)


Queen: The Eye 1:39:00