Play Episode

In this oddly lengthy grab bag of an episode, Matthew talks about the first few hours of Star Wars Outlaws (about 25 mins in), Samuel explains what he ate at Gamescom 2024, and both of us answer questions from the listeners.

Image Credit: Shugdaddy
Batman Begin

Raspberrybrain: Reading the latest Retro Gamer made me think of a question I’ve had for a long time and that would be perfect for our esteemed hosts. When laying out a magazine page, what is your intent on how a reader should progress through a page? Should they read the main story all the way through first and then go back through all the sidebar and secondary stuff? Or should they stop reading the main stuff and switch over to the secondary things? I’ve attached an example of this - the main story continues on the page, but it’s full of other smaller things that always pull my attention away and make me think, “What should I be reading here?”

welshboymick: What video game developer is the biggest one hit wonder? They’ve released only one game that was massive commercially or critically, only to disappear afterwards? My answer is Disco Elysium and ZA/UM.

Lspandherbeans: Hey guys, have you ever broken / damaged your gaming stuff over the years in weird ways? In my teens, I accidentally dropped my mom’s DS light into the toilet and it didn’t survive. I’ve also slightly melted the back of a PS5 controller while soaking gel nails off.

NaesLyn: Which Ubisoft character would you most and least like to get a pint with? Beer or otherwise (Rio, Calpol, what you will)

cboy77: A particularly frustrating section in Still Wakes The Deep has reawoken my confirmed belief that underwater levels in video games are the shittest levels in video games. Would you agree?

Alan Stock: Hello large lads. Have there been any game genres that you didn’t think you liked, until one game broke you into the genre? For example for me Zero Escape 999 got me into visual novels which I used to think were incredibly boring.

Lexxington87: I’ve finally played and just finished Hotel Dusk, a core text for the pod! I really enjoyed the story, the vibe, the use of the dual screens, the characters etc - really happy to have played it!

I’m keen to get your feelings on using guides to get through the more frustrating elements with the genre - i’m 37, two kids, a hard job - my patience limit is very, very short 😅 hotel dusk has moments in which the next step is not immediately obvious, especially when you’re one step ahead of the game designer. Is just looking bits up an acceptable way to play?

Part of me felt guilty - as a younger man i’d have had patience to poke all the edges until the solution comes around - is something lost when you just look it up after 30 seconds of getting stuck in a game like this?

NaesLyn: Hello gentlemen - curious to know your thoughts on some soft drinks, so please, your immediate reactions to this rapid fire survey:

Coca Cola or Pepsi? Diet Coke or Diet Pepsi? Coke Zero or Pepsi Max? Fanta or Tango? Sprite or 7Up? J2O or Oasis? San Pellegrino or Orangina? Rio or Lilt? IRN BRU or Vimto? Red Bull or Monster?

Pro or anti: Dr Pepper? Lucozade? Shloer? Root Beer? Cream Soda? Sparkling water? Water?

Many thanks!

Oolong: Hi Samuel and Matthew, how much money would you pay to be able to, when you clicked your fingers, make the exact Nintendo Switch click sound at any volume you liked?

Vegetable Tart: In honour of this very weird musical with a very back page themed title - what would you focus a musical of the podcast about? Musical episode of games court?

Daddy Magic: What does Matthew make to university classmate Torsten ‘Ed Stone’ Bell being elected as an MP? And will he be buying his new book?

AdmrialDong: Apart from this very pod taking me back to the glory days of gaming in the 360 era, for one reason or another I’ve been out of video games since 2019 or so. Having only recently bought a PC and trying my best to catch up/re-immerse myself back into the zeitgeist of games I’m a bit lost. I don’t know where to reliably source my news, reviews, or information. Obviously, I’ve got the pod and I’ve resubscribed to Edge (my old flame); but, apart from that I’m a bit lost. What sites, magazines, newsletters, forums, etc… do you recommend or personally use? Thank you for your time!

aarontir: Hi, do you have any favourite specific back pages from magazines you have previously worked on and if you have any favourites of each others.

scottv5277: Now that you’re doing a podcast with a fairly substantial following, do you find yourself disclaiming your opinions more often than before? (Prime example being ‘that’s not for me, dawg’)

coyg: If you hadn’t found your way into games media/industry in any capacity what would you be doing now for work? Also, what is your position on tomato-flavoured crisps?

melmer: When was the last time you played a game and thought it needed more writing?