Matthew Castle Productions stuns E3
Image Credit: Liam Richardson

Play Episode

Microsoft has been on a spending spree in acquiring developers over the past few years, from Obsidian to buying the entirety of Bethesda. In this episode, Matthew and Samuel can each pick 6 game developers to build a new publisher – but it’s competitive, and they can’t pick any of the same choices. After you listen, head on over to @BackPagePod on Twitter to cast your vote on who won!

The winner of this episode was Samuel.

The Categories

  1. A big studio not owned by a publisher 1
  2. A big studio not owned by a publisher 2
  3. An indie developer (< 20 employees)
  4. A studio that already belongs to a platform holder
  5. A third party publisher
  6. The time machine option. Bring any developer from the past (10 Years + ago). The studio is closed.

Bonus Categories

  1. What is the name of your publisher?
  2. Who hosts your E3 conference?
  3. Who plays the concert at your E3 party?
  4. What’s the first project you approve?
  5. Who is appointed to your board?


Category Samuel Matthew
Big studio not owned by a publisher 1 From Software IO Interactive
Big studio not owned by a publisher 2 Kojima Productions Larian Studios
Indie developer (< 20 employees) Team Cherry Supergiant Games
Belongs to a platform holder Arkane Studios Playground Games
Third party publisher Rockstar Games Capcom
Time machine Clover Studio Cing
Name Big Sammy Holdings Ltd Matthew Castle Productions
E3 host John Mulaney Matthew, Barack Obama
Concert Depeche Mode, Ludwig Göransson (DJ Set) Randy Newman
First project Rockstar Open World Sci-Fi Takumi Unleashed
Board members Isabel from Animal Crossing (CFO), The Riddler, Raphael Colantonio, Dr. Mario, Hideo Kojima Shu Takumi, John Williams, Barack Obama, Agent 47, Brian Cox from Succession


Samuel 57%

Matthew 43%

(270 votes)