Play Episode

Matthew Castle Productions and Big Sammy Holdings are each taking on Game Pass. Who built the best gaming subscription service?

Matthew won this one.

This week’s music is from the Snatcher soundtrack by Konami Kukeiha Club, The Sims 4 soundtrack by Ilan Eshkeri and the Kid Icarus: Uprising soundtrack by Motoi Sakuraba, Yuzo Koshiro, Masafumi Takada, Noriyuki Iwadare, Yasunori Mitsuda and Takahiro Nishi.

Subscription Services


  1. Cult favourite
  2. Licensed game
  3. All expansions/MMO
  4. Scored 90+ on Metacritic
  5. Never re-released
  6. Short game
  7. Game that isn’t out yet
  8. ‘Lost’ game
  9. An entire game series
  10. Entire console library


Category Samuel Matthew
Cult favourite Snatcher 428 Shibuya Scramble
Licensed game Star Wars: Rogue Leader Spider-Man
All expansions/MMO Final Fantasy XIV The Sims 4
Scored 90+ on Metacritic Half-Life: Alyx Breath of the Wild
Never re-released Crisis Core: FF7 Kid Icarus: Uprising
Short game Sonic Mania Sayonara Wild Hearts
Game that isn’t out yet Breath of the Wild 2 Grand Theft Auto VI
‘Lost’ game Silent Hills Project Ragtag
An entire game series Zelda Mario
Entire console library PS2 Xbox 360


Samuel 34%

Matthew 66%

(479 votes)