Play Episode

In this 2021 preview episode, we sum up what’s new with the next-gen consoles (and PC! And Nintendo!) in the coming 12 months. We also serve up 21 gaming predictions for the next year – from Cyberpunk 2077 DLC to Master Chief appearing in Smash Bros, it’s all based on very few facts, and we hope you enjoy it.

This week’s music is from the Baldur’s Gate 3 soundtrack by Borislav Slavov.

  • Microsoft buys Sega
  • A film streaming service will buy a big publisher
  • Starfield gets a big reveal and will be a good game
  • A good year for Ace Attorney fans
  • Anthem rereleases on next gen but no one cares
  • Phoenix Wright in Smash Bros
  • Master Chief in Smash Bros
  • Game streaming services get slicker
  • Sony revamps PS Now to be their version of GP
  • We wont see Metroid prime 4 (“I Dread for this one”)
  • Silent Hill and MGS are seen again but not by Konami
  • Someone makes a s***-your-pants horror game
  • Halo Infinite campaign disappointing, multiplayer very good
  • Cyberpunk goes into space in the DLC
  • Nintendo adds Nintendo 64 games to NSO
  • Matthew will buy a Play Date
  • Nintendo announce Wind Waker and Twilight Princess on Switch
  • Sony first party games will make amazing use of the DualSense haptics but no one else will
  • New Ken Levine game from Ghost Story Games gets revealed and released on the same day
  • More publishers update their old games for XSX/PS5
  • GTA6 gets revealed, is set in the same city across two different time frames but doesn’t release until 2023