Play Episode

IGN’s Joe Skrebels joins us for another round of indie game recommendations – and 20 minutes of very welcome Dragon’s Dogma chat. 15 more games enter our hall of fame in this episode. Hopefully you’ll hear about something you’ve never played before.

This week’s music is from the Thumper soundtrack by Brian Gibson. Our theme tune is by Barry ‘Epoch’ Topping.

Image Credit: Naeslyn


  • The Stanley Parable
  • The Sexy Brutale
  • Gorogoa
  • House of the Dying Sun
  • OlliOlli and OlliOlli 2: Welcome To Olliwood


  • Affordable Space Adventures
  • Vampire Survivors
  • Towerfall: Ascension
  • Sorcery! (Part 3 if I must)
  • Thumper


  • Hand of Fate 2
  • The Darkside Detective
  • Device 6
  • 2000:1: A Space Felony
  • Unheard