Play Episode

Samuel and Matthew each compete to pick the 10 best PC games released in the years 1990 to 1999 – and you can vote for the winner @backpagepod on Twitter in our pinned tweet.

This week’s music is from the Command & Conquer: Red Alert soundtrack by Frank Klepacki.

Come Dine With Samuel My mistake was assuming Matthew would only pick games he had played. Dutch Dillon Draft Freespace An Arrested Development meme Image Credit: JackyBoy34 Image Credit: JackyBoy34

The Categories

  1. FPS 1
  2. FPS 2
  3. God game or city builder
  4. Sim
  5. Strategy
  6. RPG
  7. Point and Click/adventure game
  8. 90%+ from PC Gamer
  9. Wild card
  10. Free pick

Draft Order

Player Category Pick
Samuel RPG Baldur’s Gate
Matthew FPS 1 Half-Life
Matthew Sim Star Wars: TIE Fighter
Samuel Point and Click / Adventure Game Grim Fandango
Samuel Strategy Age of Empires 2: Age of Kings
Matthew FPS 2 Thief Gold
Matthew RPG Planescape: Torment
Samuel FPS 1 System Shock 2
Samuel God Game or City Builder RollerCoaster Tycoon
Matthew 90%+ from PC Gamer Blade Runner
Matthew Strategy Command & Conquer: Red Alert
Samuel 90%+ from PC Gamer Sid Meier’s Alpha Centauri
Samuel FPS 2 Star Wars Jedi Knight: Dark Forces II
Matthew God Game or City Builder Dungeon Keeper
Matthew Point and Click / Adventure Game Gabriel Knight 2: The Beast Within
Samuel Wild Card FreeSpace 2
Samuel Free Pick StarCraft
Matthew Free Pick The Curse of Monkey Island
Matthew Wild Card Trespasser
Samuel Sim Star Wars: X-Wing Alliance


Category Samuel Matthew
FPS 1 System Shock 2 Half-Life
FPS 2 Star Wars Jedi Knight: Dark Forces II Thief Gold
God Game or City Builder RollerCoaster Tycoon Dungeon Keeper
Sim Star Wars: X-Wing Alliance Star Wars: TIE Fighter
Strategy Age of Empires 2: Age of Kings Command & Conquer: Red Alert
RPG Baldur’s Gate Planescape: Torment
Point and Click / Adventure Game Grim Fandango Gabriel Knight 2: The Beast Within
90%+ from PC Gamer Sid Meier’s Alpha Centauri Blade Runner
Wild Card FreeSpace 2 Trespasser
Free Pick StarCraft The Curse of Monkey Island


  • Samuel 40%
  • Matthew 60%
  • (422 votes)
