Play Episode

From Monkey Island to Full Throttle, we try to boil down the complete library of Lucasarts adventure games into five representative titles – building a hall of fame, the concept of which we stole from a film podcast we like. Former GamesTM editor Ashley Day joins us for this one. Note that our originally scheduled episode, GTA clones on trial, is now coming next week.

This week’s music is from The Secret of Monkey Island soundtrack by Michael Land and Patrick Mundy.


  • Labyrinth - No
  • Maniac Mansion - Maybe
  • Zak McKracken and the Alien Mindbenders - No
  • Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade - No
  • Loom - Ass? Play Amiga / EGA not Steam - Maybe
  • The Secret of Monkey Island - Yes
  • Monkey Island 2 - Yes
  • Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis - Great but Not Sure. Maybe
  • Day of the Tentacle - Yes
  • Sam & Max Hit the Road - Yes/No/Maybe
  • Full Throttle - No
  • The Dig - No
  • The Curse of Monkey Island - Yes
  • Grim Fandango - Yes
  • Escape from Monkey Island - No

Hall of Fame

The Secret of Monkey Island
Monkey Island 2
Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis
Day of the Tentacle including Maniac Mansion
Grim Fandango