XXL Episode 17: The 'Matthew Castle Productions and Big Sammy Holdings Launch Rival Streaming Services' Draft

Our first ever draft episode behind the paywall is a truly chaotic affair – see what you make of this 2.5-hour epic.

August 29, 2023

Episode 142: The Dreaded Mailbag

It’s fun for the first hour, it sags in the second, but gets it back just at the end. A 6/10 episode.

August 25, 2023

Episode 141: The Best Games of 2016

We count down the best games of 2016, a year that brought good news for everyone! Except Microsoft. And Nintendo.

August 18, 2023

XL Episode 17: The Best Video Game Levels Vol. 2

The sequel to last year’s XL pod on the best video game levels is here, covering 25 different categories.

August 14, 2023

Episode 140: Old RPGs and Baldur's Gate 3 (with Jeremy Peel)

With Baldur’s Gate 3 taking over the world, genre expert Jeremy Peel returns to discuss how RPGs have evolved since the days of the Infinity Engine games.

August 11, 2023

Episode 139: What We've Been Playing (Exoprimal, Pikmin 4, The Expanse: A Telltale Series)

A simple but cheerful ‘what we’ve been playing’ joint this week, featuring Exoprimal, Telltale’s comeback game The Expanse, 1998’s Parasite Eve and Pikmin 4.

August 4, 2023

XXL Episode 16: Mission: Impossible Pod Rankening

After about 8 episodes of promotion, our ranking of the Mission: Impossible movies is finally here!

July 31, 2023

Episode 138: Edge in the '00s

Former Edge editor Margaret Robertson joins us to discuss working on the magazine from 2003-2007 and her career in game development. It’s a good one.

July 28, 2023

Episode 137: The PS3 Draft

Matthew and Samuel compete to pick the best 10 games (and one HD collection) that represent the PS3’s somewhat inconsistent library.

July 21, 2023

Episode 136: What We've Been Playing (Final Fantasy 16, Trepang2, Baldur's Gate 3)

Kick back, take a seat! Pour yourself a tall glass of water. It’s a simple update on what we’ve been playing lately, featuring Final Fantasy 16 and BG3.

July 14, 2023