Play Episode

We dive deeper into the subject of our very first Patreon episode this month, highlighting more of our favourite bosses. Plus: look forward to the inaugural Boss Awards, where we decide who gets to win titles like ‘most ideologically correct boss’ and ‘would make a good/bad boss in real life’.

Thanks to Liam Richardson for the edits, as ever, and thanks for your support!



  • Sifu Karoke
  • Destiny 2 Insurrection Prime Scourge of the Past
  • God of War 3 Kronos
  • Pokémon Yellow Gary Blue
  • Jedi Survivor Dagon
  • FF7 Remake Hell House


  • Blasphemous Marchiades the Exhumed Archbishop
  • Yakuza Like a Dragon Ishin Ocado Iza
  • Devil May Cry 5 Artemis
  • Bayonetta 3 French Rosa
  • No More Heroes 3 Gold Joe
  • Kid Icarus Uprising Hades

Boss Awards

Most punchable boss

  • GOW Ragnarok Heimdall
  • FF10 Seymour Guado

Boss with the worst quips

  • MGS3 The Pain
  • Kingdom Hearts 2 Demmix

Boss that’s cooler than the main character

  • FF8 Sifa
  • Wesker RE5
  • Cyborg Ninja MGS
  • Melenia Elden Ring
  • Phoenix Wright Godoy and Edgeworth

Boss who has sub boss energy and should know their place

  • Victor Szass in Arkham
  • Guy on horse who shouts his own name In Sekiro
  • Troy Baker in Death Stranding

Boss who should’ve been amazing but was rather underwhelming

  • Miragiya on Death Mountain in TOTK
  • Thanos in Guardian of the Galaxy

Would make an actual good boss in real life

  • Odin from Ragnarok
  • Doc Ock from Spider-Man

Would make a terrible boss in real life

  • Hitler from Wolfenstein 3D
  • Giant Ass with a tongue climbing a tower in Catherine
  • Megaleg in Marioy
  • Anyone from Shadow of the Colossus
  • Rufus Shinra

Location in real life that’d make a great boss arena

  • Waterloo Bridge
  • Piccadilly Circus
  • Leicester Square
  • Spa in Bath
  • Square in front of Bath Abbey
  • London 2012 opening ceremony
  • Patch of earth by the Royal Crescent
  • Millennium Dome

Real-life person who’d make a great Metal Gear boss

  • Progozin of Wagner Group
  • JC of JCs Kitchen

Boss that if you had to fight them again, you’d rather chuck your console out of a window

  • Senator Armstrong
  • Majima and Tiger

Boss with the dumbest name

  • Pete from Kingdom Hearts
  • Balding Screen Monkeys from Sekiro
  • Garland in FF
  • Master Hand

Boss with the coolest name

  • Abriatas daughter of the cosmos
  • Lord of Blasphemy from Elden Ring
  • Hulk Davidson from Viewtiful Joe
  • Big Pig called Megaton the Helux Beast in Xenoblade Chroncle X
  • Revolver Ocelot in MGS

Boss who was ideologically correct all along

  • King Logan in Fable 3
  • A guy who hates Crash Bandicoot


