Play Episode

PC Gamer’s Rich Stanton joins us to deliver a comprehensive overview of the Metal Gear Solid series, picking out 25 key moments from across the games and the series’ spin-offs. You won’t be disappointed if you’re a fan of the series.

This week’s music is from the Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater soundtrack by Norihiko Hibino and Cynthia Harrell.

MGS Corridor
  1. Gray Fox reveal/corridor of dead guys (MGS)
  2. They’re already inside the lift with you (MGS)
  3. Psycho Mantis (MGS)
  4. Fighting Metal Gear, death of Gray Fox, beating up Liquid (MGS)
  5. Fatman boss fight (MGS2)
  6. ‘The Colonel’ loses his shit (MGS2)
  7. Opening credits - that great Bond pastiche (MGS3)
  8. Young Ocelot juggles his guns, is a total dick (MGS3)
  9. Time Paradox (MGS3)
  10. The End boss fight (MGS3)
  11. Death of The Boss (MGS3)
  12. The future of war - intro (MGS4)
  13. Octocamo (MGS4)
  14. Return to Shadow Moses (MGS4) 
  15. Ray versus Rex, Raiden vs Vamp, and a general appreciation for the choreography (MGS4)
  16. MGS4’s ending (MGS4)
  17. The Peace Walker has the Boss’s voice and ‘personality’ (MGS: Peace Walker)
  18. Developing Sony product lines at Mother Base / PSP-Sony integration more widely as a theme (MGS: Peace Walker)
  19. The first time you fulton someone (MGS: Peace Walker)
  20. Raiden hacks up Metal Gear Ray (Revengeance)
  21. ‘Here’s to you’ opening (MGSV: Ground Zeroes)
  22. Giving Quiet a kill order (MGSV: TPP)
  23. Killing your own crew (MGSV: TPP)
  24. ‘Snake’ is the Medic / The Snake eats its own tail (MGSV: TPP)
  25. Seeing where it all began with hindsight (Metal Gear, Metal Gear 2: Solid Snake)