Play Episode

Returning to the subject of one of our most popular episodes, series expert Katharine Castle joins us to recount a whole host of great moments from The Legend of Zelda’s history – with a little more love for the 2D Zeldas than we perhaps had in that last episode.

Thanks for your support, sorry for the slight wait while Matthew dealt with Covid, and enjoy another three hours of pod to kick off the week.

  • Coming back to Zelda II years later and finally getting through Valley Of Death, Great Palace, Thunderbird and Dark Link in one go - Zelda II: Adventure Of Link 
  • Wait: there’s all those Dark World temples too?!? - Link to the Past
  • Eagles Tower (see also Crown Dungeon OoA) - Link’s Awakening
  • The ending where the island disappears - Link’s Awakening
  • THIEF - Link’s Awakening
  • Christine the Goat catfishing Mr Write (use as excuse to audit the memorable oddballs on the island) - Link’s Awakening
  • Stepping into Hyrule field, etc, etc - Ocarina of Time
  • Getting Epona - Ocarina of Time
  • Bottom of the Well (Dead hand + redead fear) - Ocarina of Time
  • Aliens abducting the cows (and saving them while wearing the Garo Mask) - Majora’s Mask
  • Swimming as Zora Link in Great Termina Bay - Majora’s Mask
  • The weird stuff with the Deku Butler - end of Majora’s Mask
  • Sword and Shield dungeon - Oracle of Seasons
  • Puzzle density preempts Skyward Sword - Oracle of Ages
  • Zelda 2 temple stage is an absolute banger - Smash Bros Melee
  • Sneaking around Forsaken Fortress - Wind Waker 
  • Hyrule frozen in time - Wind Waker
  • Owning an island, the Private Oasis - Wind Waker
  • Completing the Nintendo Gallery and making all the figurines - Wind Waker
  • Link being an absolute machine and definitely the best console exclusive - Soul Calibur II 
  • Dual manta ray boss + Palace of Winds - Minish Cap
  • Double clawshot dungeon and the weird Oocca chicken people - Twilight Princess 
  • Bow & arrow showdown in the weird western Hidden Village - Twilight Princess
  • Snowpeak Ruins: the creepy Yeti mansion - Twilight Princess
  • Link’s twisted nightmare vision - Twilight Princess
  • Deathsword - creepy miniboss of Arbiter’s Grounds - Twilight Princess
  • Bridge of Eldin / King Bulblin (and Lord Bullbo) fight on horseback - Twilight Princess
  • The incredible rise of Malo Mart - Twilight Princess
  • Revisiting the ruins of the Temple Of Time - Twilight Princess
  • Dual-screen hammer fight against Eox - Phantom Hourglass
  • Almost breaking my DS because I couldn’t work out how to ‘press the sacred crest against the sea chart’ - Phantom Hourglass
  • A bad guy wears two top hats to cover up two devil horns - Spirit Tracks
  • Sand Wand (mainly in the sand temple) - Spirit Tracks
  • The zombie underbelly in Ancient Cistern (mention boss too) - Skyward Sword
  • Autotuning harp - Skyward Sword
  • Hyrule is almost named (bit Groose blows it) - Skyward Sword
  • Bamboo Cut minigame - Skyward Sword
    • Briefly mention other top minigames: Goron Racing, fishing
  • The Zelda anniversary concert
  • That weird island where you lose your equipment - Breath of the Wild
  • Beedle gets buff - Breath Of The Wild 
  • Building Tarry Town (and Hudson and Rhondson’s wedding) - Breath Of The Wild
  • Taming the Lord Of The Mountain (and trying to register them in a stable afterwards, also: Stalhorse, Bear, etc) - Breath Of The Wild
  • Zelda’s struggles to unlock her sealing power, and subsequent awakening when Link biffs it - Breath Of The Wild
  • The existence of Hyrule Warriors and getting to kick ass as lots of different Zelda characters - Hyrule Warriors
    • Great Fairy in Age of Calamity